Hey there, fellow road adventurers! You've packed your bags, you've got your road trip music playlist ready, and you just can't wait to be there. But one important thing we all can agree on is that whether you're planning a scenic drive along the coast or a cross-country journey, ensuring your vehicle is in tip-top shape is a must. At Rolan Australia, we understand the importance of a smooth and trouble-free road trip. This time in this blog, we’ll walk you through the key categories of essential checks before hitting the highway en route to your beautiful destination.


First off, let’s take a look at your engine. Going on a road trip could take hours of driving, and therefore it’s crucial to make sure that your engine is working in top-notch condition. Air Filters  are your engine’s first line of defence against dirt and debris, needing replacing when clogged to ensure easy breathing and efficient performance. Likewise, Cabin Air Filters ensure clean air inside your vehicle’s cabin, making your journey more comfortable by removing pollutants and odours.

Wheels & Tyres

When it comes to your tyres and wheels, there’s more than meets the eye, especially when you’re planning on long trips. Your tyres require a thorough inspection for tread wear and damage to ensure a safe and efficient journey. Correct inflation following the manufacturer’s recommendations is not only vital for your safety but also plays a significant role in optimising your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Additionally, wheels should be closely examined for any visible damage, such as cracks or dents, as they can impact your overall driving experience or worst case scenario, leave you stranded in the middle of the road. Proper wheel alignment and balance also help to prevent uneven tyre wear and those annoying vibrations that can take the fun out of your road trip.

Motor Oils

Regular oil changes are like a breath of fresh air for your engine, ensuring it stays well-lubricated and in peak condition. To keep your vehicle running smoothly, it’s essential to use the correct type and grade of Motor Oil that matches your vehicle’s specifications. This not only lubricates the engine but also acts as a protective shield against wear and tear. However, there’s one more key step to remember, which is to replace the oil filter during an oil change. This ensures clean oil circulation, giving your engine the protection it deserves throughout your road trip adventures.

Brake Fluids

When it comes to your vehicle’s brakes, safety takes centre stage. Ensuring optimal braking performance is not only a matter of convenience; it’s a critical aspect of a safe road trip. To achieve this, start by checking the Brake Fluid reservoir to verify it’s at the recommended level. Additionally, closely inspect the condition of your Brake Pads. Replacing worn-out pads promptly is a proactive step in maintaining your vehicle’s safety and peace of mind during your journey.

Antifreeze & Coolant

When the sun is high and the temperatures soar, maintaining the right level of Antifreeze and Coolant in your vehicle becomes paramount. Overheating can quickly turn a road trip into an unexpected roadside stop. To safeguard your engine from the sweltering heat, it’s crucial to maintain the correct levels of antifreeze and coolant. Furthermore, we should also be on the lookout for potential leaks in the coolant system, as even a small leak can lead to a significant loss of coolant, putting your engine at risk of overheating. To make sure your vehicle is running smoothly, we recommend changing the antifreeze and coolant once every 30,000 kilometres or 2 years.

Lights & Indicators

The significance of Functional Lights And Indicators cannot be overstated, especially when going out on a safe road trip. Proper lighting isn’t just about seeing; it’s about being seen. Your vehicle’s lights, from the trusty headlights that illuminate your path to the brake lights that signal your stops, play a pivotal role in your journey’s visibility and safety. Moreover, functional turn signals are like a language of their own, so it is crucial to have it working perfectly when you are on the road.


Your vehicle’s battery is like the heartbeat of your car, supplying the electrical power needed for a smooth and reliable journey. In the world of road trips, a well-maintained Battery is your best friend, ensuring your vehicle starts reliably and keeps running smoothly throughout your adventure. Begin by checking the condition of your battery. A weak or dying battery can be a road trip spoiler, we can spot this by noticing if the engine is cranking over and over without starting. Batteries tend to lose their power over time, especially in extreme weather conditions. Ensure that your battery is holding a charge with our Trickle Chargers and still has plenty of life left. Secondly, take a moment to clean the battery terminals. These terminals are the connections between your battery and the electrical system of your vehicle. Keeping them clean ensures a solid electrical connection, preventing starting issues and ensuring your vehicle’s reliability. Dirt and corrosion on the terminals can disrupt the flow of electricity, leading to problems that no one wants to deal with during a road trip. A little maintenance here can go a long way in keeping your journey trouble-free.

A successful road trip starts with a well-maintained vehicle. At Rolan Australia, we’re all about keeping your adventures hassle-free. By performing these essential checks on these parts, you’ll be well-prepared for the open world. One thing to remember is that it’s not just about ensuring your safety but also preserving your vehicle’s longevity. So before you hit the road, take the time to inspect and maintain your ride. Wishing you a fantastic and trouble-free journey on your next road trip!